News Update 60
Hi, Nadine here…
It’s always best “hands-on” when shopping; the fit, the fabric, the detail, the colour….
During the process, I learn to understand YOU, as a person and your goals in “looking & feeling good”. This is TEAM-WORK.
An Understanding. RIGHT?
My services as a Wardrobe Planner, also brings to focus points when we go shopping.
My advise is honest, to what I see and my experience in my history of field…which is quite a broad spectrum. Every person is SPECIAL.
I hear and learn from you; I advise you on a Wardrobe & Clothing Function in Styling.
Why? you ask? Because I care.
YOU, my client…. I hear YOU….and I put myself in YOUR shoes…. to understand your beauty.
My service is for my client to be happy…. to my best ability, as a Consultant in Clothing Quality, Fits & Planning in a way where YOU are comfortable.
We all need a push sometimes. Don’t we?
My expertise is to improve my client’s physical appearance so that it resonates with their personal uniqueness.
It gives greater freedom in the way they interact with friends and colleagues.
My weekly newsletters is there to inspire you and to be informative as you join me on a weekly journey of style and confidence.
I am happy to answer any questions you have.
If there are any questions you require on
Wardrobe Planning, Styling, Color Matchings, Fittings & Clothing Advise – please do not hesitate to contact me.
I would love to talk to you more about the above, you may contact me – see here below:
WhatsApp Me or Contact me directly on
082 699 1229