News Update 43

01-06-2023 News Update 43


Hi, Nadine here…

When it come to my career, I love everything I am currently involved in.

And when it comes to my part-time business as an entrepreneur, one of the most rewarding aspects of this is helping woman dress with style and feel more confident about the way they look when they have to attend an event or simply meet a friend for coffee.

There are so many ’experts’ out there giving comments on the way you dress, but now you no longer have to be unsure about the way you dress.

I will give you the right advice you truly need to dress successfully for all occasions, whether formal or informal.

But many friends and people I talk to doesn’t really know what image consulting is all about.

I work with women to access their wardrobe so that it does reflect their personality and style as well as taking them on a trip to the mall to buy clothes for the new season.

Please watch my short video clip from my YouTube channel where I give a quick summary of what image consulting is about and how I can help you revamp your wardrobe or get you new shopping ideas to improve your fashion sense of style.

Click on the link below to view (and plse support my channel by subscribing).

If there are any questions you require on
Wardrobe Planning, Styling, Colour Matchings, Fittings & Clothing Advise – please do not hesitate to contact me. 

My expertise is to improve my client’s physical appearance so that it resonates with their personal uniqueness. 

It gives greater freedom in the way they interact with friends and colleagues.

My weekly newsletters is there to inspire you and to be informative as you join me on a weekly journey of style and confidence. 

Visit my website by clicking the link below

WhatsApp Me or Contact me directly on
082 699 1229
