News Update 17
15-07-2022 News Update 17
Hi Nadine here…
Calvin asked me to explain ESSENTIAL ITEMS for a Woman’s Wardrobe.
This is not the same as BASIC ITEMS.
Essential Items = Essential Clothing means the minimum basic clothing that is absolutely necessary and indispensable due to the delay of luggage under the circumstances.
Basic Items = According to what I teach about style, a wardrobe basic is a foundational piece of clothing that is versatile and helps to create multiple outfits.
Foundational Pieces = are the structural equivalents of the main colors and neutrals in a color palette , the key pieces and main colors are the building blocks of your wardrobe, while basics and neutrals are the glue that hold everything together.
Remember, we all have different Life Styles, we need to have our Wardrobe planned to our personality & our comfort ability.
8 Essential Items a Woman requires in her Wardrobe, as per My List are:
1 – Underwear:
You do not think this is essential?
If you want to be comfortable, they say… “Comfortable in your Own Skin”…. well your underwear will make the difference. It starts here.
A Lady’s bra should match her activity.
You should be measure regularly, as our Bra size changes as your body changes.
Its complicated, but a must…. essential.
Please wear a High Impact Bra when Horse Riding, Jogging, Jumping….
Its not comfortable to the on-lookers eye….
Also, ensure that when wearing a White Top, that you wear a grey or neutral solid color bra.
Lace should not be worn under fine knits – looks “clumpy”.
I am happy to answer any questions on the “Bra” subject.
2 – Dress:
Are you a Little Black Dress Lady or a Denim Dress Damsel?
You need a dress for holiday or office?
Black, Grey, Brown, Khaki, Tan, Navy, Royal, Denim & Dusk Rose would be colors you could play with & be versatile with.
Although a Pin Stripe or Jacquard Solid could also work.
A Red, Gold, Yellow, Multi Striped, Multi Colors or a Lace Dress are for special occasions…. or wear it as an “Upper”.
The Essential Dress is your best friend.
Throw it on – when all else fails.
3 – T-shirt:
OOOOoooooh – The T-Shirt!
This is also a subject I could write about forever.
As long as the T-shirt is CLEAN – and matches with you – wear it for anything.
Zoost it up… or go sleep in it!!
My Essential T-shirt is the Black Logo one -1980’s – The Old Boys cut…. Cotton mix.
I find that Cotton-mix is better, less creases…. lasts longer.
… but I also have an Ivory Slub V-neck – which is more shaped in the waist.
What ever your your T-shirt says – do not offend your crowd.
4 – Blouse:
We like our Crispy Cotton Stretch Blouses. No?
The Bohemian Style or the New York Office-Wear?
Same scenario as per the Dress, but ensure the Blouse is a different color to your dress.
You could wear the Blouse over the Dress.
A Denim / Chambray front button down, collar, long sleeve shirt can also go a far way.
Ensure when you fit your blouse, that you are able to stretch the Across Back with ease and that the Sleeves are long enough.
You test this by standing up straight and reaching with both arm to your front…. and reach.
A non stretch fabric blouse should have a pleat or a back yoke inset for back room.
Ensure that there is a button over the bust area – so the blouse does not gape. Safety pin will help.
5 – Bottoms :
Jeans, Leggings, Trousers, Short & Skirts……
Make sure your Jean & Trousers compliments your Body Shape & Life Style.
With a Solid color Leggings – that stretches with your movement and fits correctly around your waist – you could also wear under your skirt or dress.
6 – Jacket:
Leather, Denim, Tailored, Pin Stripe, Multi Colors or Crazy Print …. this Item is your “Cherry-on-the-Cake” in your cupboard.
Onse again… Make sure it is clean and is suitable for the occasion & function.
7 – Accessories:
It does not matter if you need an Essential wardrobe for an At-Home-Mom or Weekend-in-Town.
An Essential Accessory will be able to take you a far way.
Scarves, Sarongs, Brooch, String of beads, Watches & Earrings.
Yes, Watches are still an essential – not everyone likes to have their phones on 24/7.
These are all functional to your Look.
Remember to be considerate to your Fellow People.
Don’t boast.
8 – Bags, Shoes, Glasses & Hats:
Something I have learned in the Wardrobe Planning Industry; if your shoes & handbag matches – you can wear just about anything In-Be-Tween.
Remember these are for your protection too.
Ensure the Quality is correct for yourself.
I would love to talk to you more about the above, you may contact me – see here below:
WhatsApp Me or Contact me directly on
082 699 1229

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